Alcuin's Cheat sheet

Welcome to my cheat sheet.
This is where I keep HTML and CSS examples for reference.
Feel free to look around.

Tags Examples
<h1>Page Title</h1>

Page Title



<h3>Sub subheading</h3>

Sub subheading

<h4>Smaller subheading</h4>

Smaller subheading

<h5>Highlights heading</h5>
Highlights heading
<h6> Lest important heading </h6>
Least important heading
<a href="source">Click here</a> Click here for tables
<img src="img source" alt="img description"/> 3 cute kittens
<strong>Bold text</strong> Bold text
<em>Italic text</em> Italic Text
<hr />
Unordered List
  • First
  • Second
  • Third
Ordered List
  1. First
  2. Second
  3. Third
Definition List
<dd>Hypertext Markup Language</dd>
<dd>Cascading Style Sheets</dd>
<dd>Javascript a programming language</dd>
Hypertext Markup Language
Cascading Style Sheets
Javascript a programming language
HTML Table Cheat Sheet
Table Tags Short Description Of Use Extra Columns Results of spanning
<table> This tag starts a table element
<thead> This is used for setting the heading area
<th> Sets the table heading at the top of columns
<tr> Sets the rows, parent element to <td>
<td> Sets the content/data of rows empty <td> tags will show empty boxes.
<tbody> This tag contains the main body of the table
<tfoot> Sets the footer, totals and such commonly live here
scope attribute Is used to assign heading to rows or columns <th scope="row"> <th scope="col">
colspan attribute Spans text across multiple columns, horizontally Moved due to colspan
rowspan attribute Spans text across multiple rows vertically
Example <rowspan> can push over data to a different row Moved due to rowspan
Footer Footer